Building on the Big Island: Step 7 – Navigating the Building Process in Hawaii

Construction Standards In recent years, construction standards have been increased to more closely follow the lead of the mainland. Hawaii County is using the 2018 International Building Code/IBC with the addition of many county modifications. These can be found online here. There is some very helpful information on this website, particularly in the Building > Permit Information section. The Tips …

Building on the Big Island: Step 4 – Pick the Degree of Your Involvement in the Construction Process

After choosing the level of service you need from your builder, the next step is deciding how much involvement you want to have in the construction process. Here are some options: OPTION 1 – OWNER/BUILDER You are responsible for every aspect of the construction process; from plans, permitting, financing, and getting bids. The construction management and liability including workman’s compensation …

The Difference Is in the Details

“Greg’s focus on details reflects his longstanding dedication to his craft.” – Shane Kitchens One of the key pieces of feedback we receive is about our clients’ happiness with our attention to detail. This is something we take very seriously so it means a lot to us when clients tell us they notice. Why does this matter? In construction and …